talking about...
To build a house can be a long process with many obstacles, but from GLAP architects we work to make this experience easy and comfortable, finding solutions in any moment.
Most clients come up to us with lots of doubts with wich is the procedure to follow and we will try to explain in a simple way the steps to follow to build a house and to comission a project.

1. Land or plot
In the first place we need a bit of land or a plot. It can seem very obvious, but the orientation, the surroundings and the local low of each place are important handicaps to look at that will define the project. If you have any doubts on a plot that you’re interested in we can give some advice before you buy it.
2. First contact with the architect
When you’ve got the plot de design of the house process beggins, moment where you’ll need to contact an architect. We recommend a previous meeting to get to know each other and to explain your needs and aesthetic preferences.
In GLAP architects we like to get to know how is a usual day in your home, to adapt the project to your way of living, everyone enjoys their home in a different way.
3. The project
The project starts once you’ve contracted the architects services and it is usually composed by 3 parts:
· Anteproyecto (“Preliminar project”) : initial documentation based on some first floorplans, drafts and drawings or virtual images with the first ideas of the project.
· Proyecto básico (“Basic project”): including final floorplans and a descriptive memory fullfiling the local and state construction laws. This document can be used to get the building permits started while the last phase is completed.
· Proyecto ejecutivo (“Final project”): this is the final document with all the information and technical specifications. This document will be revised by the Catalan School of Architects before it’s handed in to the Town Hall to obtain the final building permits.
4. Obtainig the building permits
The Town Hall will give the building permits to the property once it has been aproved by the council architect. When aproved we’ll have to pay building tax.
Depending on each case, we might also have to ask for a licence to ocupy public space on the out side of the plot.
5. Choosing a builder
When the project is finnished and we’re waiting for the building licence it’s the moment to start looking for a builder. It’s an important decision and it has to be someone professional and reliable.
We recommend to choose at least three options to compare quotations and evaluate wich is the best option.
6. Construction managment
During the construction, the architect will supervie the construction process and assemble all the quality certificates during the buidling visits so everything is built as in the project. Some places will also make you contract a building engineer.
Finally, when the construction has been completed, the architect will sign the Final building certificate that will allow you to register the house and ask for the “first occupation licence” from the Town Hall. With these documents we can obtain the service connections as water, light…
n GLAP architects we can guide you in all the steps to follow, you just have to get in contact with us and we will help you in whatever you need. You can get in contact with us for a free consultation with no-obligation.
If you have any question or suggest write below!