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Mediterranea Park

Badalona, Barcelona. 2018

Ideas competition for "Architects for Architecture" - Improvement of an underground path in Badalona - 2018

Honorific Mention


Looking at Badalona from a distance, we find a line of green spaces and squares connected by Sant Ignasi de Loiola Avenue, starting from Pompeu Fabra Park and ending with the promenade. This line is disrupted by the rail tracks. 

The project aims to find an ending to this green line that finnishes with the arrival of the pedestrians at the sea front. 

One of the starting points was to stich the urban fabric and undraw the limits located in the project zone. Another of the main problems of the area is how to combine the circulation of cars and pedestrians, as the cars are a big barrier to pedestrians. The main working line was to separate these circulations to give more protagonism to the pedestrians by converting the Mediterranea Street in to a park. 

We weren't looking to draw a line to the beach for pedestrians, the transition between one side and the other of the rail tracks is a nice walk. It's not just a simple pathway, it's a big public space combining slopes and grades with green spaces and diversity of pavements. The limit between private-public space is broken to give for visibility and accessibility to spaces like the Anis del Mono old factory and the Gas bridge. 

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